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Delivering €50m of top line growth with next generation digital services

Ramboll employee wearing Ramboll t-shirt

Ramboll’s vision

Facing pressure from startups and non-traditional competitors, Ramboll wanted to identify new, tech-enabled business models that allowed them to serve existing clients’ needs while opening up new customer segments. 

Taking the first step

With a pool of 670 ideas in various states of development, the first job was to establish which of these ideas to advance.

We ran an ideation sprint, to help teams apply some of the best practice skills and tools to test their ideas. Then we worked with Rambølls leaders to assess and shortlist the top 50 ideas that could be put on a path to market, quickly.

Training Pathways

  • Accelerate speed to market: We designed a bespoke training pathway which included customer development, MVP’s, prototyping and testing, early pilots and pitch development. Training was delivered with a mix of digital learning content, workshops, and specialist coaching.

  • Build a portfolio for growth: Designed for the leadership team, this pathway helped establish investment and governance frameworks so that internal teams could raise the capital needed to take revenue-generating ventures to market.

The Results

  • From an initial pool of 50 ideas, 7 viable ventures were launched into market.

  • These ventures are projected to deliver 29% net new revenue.

