Our reflections: Celebrate, learn, and grow in 2024

Last week, team Aspire gathered for the last team day for 2023.

This is always my favourite day of the year; an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate key achievements, share lessons learned, and create excitement and momentum for 2024. There was a wonderful array of Xmas jumpers on display, too!

Three insights have resonated the most. They echo what we've heard from other companies also working to build the next big thing:

  1. At the start of this year, we had fallen in love with our solution rather than the problem we were solving. We'd lost clarity on the problems our target audience was facing and our momentum was slowing.

  2. The right mindset is 10x more valuable than the right skillset. As a small team with big ambitions, the speed of learning and growth is exponentially greater when the team has the right mindset, not just the skillset.

  3. Celebrate the small wins as well as the big ones. Building the next big thing is hard; the big wins can take a long time to come, so we need to celebrate the small wins, as they help drive momentum and give the confidence we are on the right track.

So, for our final newsletter, we shared insights from some of the incredible experts within the Aspire community. These insights help address challenges, provide inspiration, and set the tone for a stellar start to 2024.

Thank you for being part of our journey, and I wish you a restful and joyful holiday season. I look forward to seeing you in 2024!

Chris Locke,

CEO, Aspire


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