5 Must-Read Books for Product Leaders: Unwind, Learn, and Grow This Summer

Discover the top five books recommended for product leaders to unwind and grow during the summer. From mindset and productivity to leadership and personal growth, these books cover essential themes. Explore insights from successful entrepreneurs in "Find Your 9others." Learn the power of small habits in "Atomic Habits." Gain leadership lessons from extreme yacht racing in "Boat to Boardroom." Minimize digital distractions with "Digital Minimalism." Enhance success with humour in "Humourology." Unleash your potential this summer with these recommended reads for product leaders.

  1. "Find Your 9others" by Katie Lewis and Matthew Stafford

Imagine sitting down to dinner with the world's most ambitious startup entrepreneurs, learning from their experiences, and asking them burning questions. Since 2011, 9others have hosted over 5,000 entrepreneurs at 500 events in over 45 cities worldwide and asked one simple question: what's keeping you up at night? They’ve heard the challenges entrepreneurs worldwide have faced, their thinking and the behavioural traits that helped them overcome them. In "Find Your 9others," Katie Lewis, Aspire’s COO, and Matthew Stafford, the founders of 9others, take you on a journey to discover the questions you should ask yourself as you start and scale your startup. This book offers valuable insights into the challenges faced by entrepreneurs worldwide and the mindset and behavioural traits that helped them overcome those obstacles.

“Find Your 9others” is taking its place on the bookshelf in the section of books I will reread for the rest of my life!" - Sam Mbatha, Founder, String Cast Media 

Get the book on Amazon.

2. "Atomic Habits" by James Clear

If you're looking to make lasting changes in your personal and professional life, "Atomic Habits" is the ultimate guide. Renowned habits expert James Clear reveals the power of small decisions and incremental changes. By implementing these "atomic habits" into your daily routine, you can transform your life and achieve remarkable outcomes. This book will help you understand the science of habits and equip you with the tools to break bad routines and establish positive ones.

”James Clear has spent years honing the art and studying the science of habits. This engaging, hands-on book is the guide you need to break bad routines and make good ones.” - Adam Grant, author of Originals

Get the book on Amazon.

3. "Boat to Boardroom" by Alex Alley and Paula Reid

Leadership and teamwork are critical components of successful product management. In "Boat to Boardroom," Alex Alley and Aspire's expert Paula Reid take us on an extreme journey—the 2004/5 Global Challenge round-the-world yacht race. Through this captivating case study, they extract real-life learnings and translate them into practical tools and lessons applicable to everyday business scenarios. Get ready to be inspired and gain valuable insights into leadership and teamwork in action.

"A totally unique and inspirational journey into the extreme world of leadership and teamwork on an ocean racing yacht, full of amazing stories and really useful tips." - Jeremy Morrison, President, DAE Systems

Get the book on Amazon.

4. "Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World" by Cal Newport

In today's hyper-connected world, finding focus and reclaiming our attention has become daunting. "Digital Minimalism" by Cal Newport offers a timely call to action for those serious about regaining control over their lives. Our addiction to tech leaves us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. But it doesn't have to be that way. Newport provides practical strategies to minimize digital distractions, reduce overwhelm, and create a more intentional and fulfilling existence. Discover how to live better with less technology and reconnect with what truly matters.

“An urgent call to action for anyone serious about being in command of their own life.” - Ryan Holiday, author of The Obstacle is the Way

Get the book on Amazon.

5. "Humourology: The serious business of humour at work" by Paul Borross

A sense of humour is often undervalued in business, yet it can be a powerful asset for success. In "Humourology", Aspire's expert Paul Borross explores the art and science of using humour to create a competitive advantage. Through interviews with comedians, politicians, entrepreneurs, and psychologists, Borross uncovers valuable insights on how humour can enhance your leadership skills, mental resilience, and overall well-being. Prepare to laugh, learn, and lead a more successful (and fun) life.

“The power of humor to heal and enable growth is something that's easy to experience, but hard to quantify. Humourology brings this to life with fabulous stories and examples from so many people who have made humor their life’s work, and through that enriched the lives of others.” - Dani Klein Modisett Founder and CEO of Laughter on Call. 

Get the book on Amazon.

As a product leader, your journey towards personal and professional growth never stops. These five books offer an excellent opportunity to unwind during your summer holidays while acquiring valuable knowledge and strategies. Whether you're seeking inspiration from entrepreneurs, mastering the art of habit formation, refining your leadership and teamwork skills, simplifying your digital life, or harnessing the power of humor, these books have got you covered. So, grab your favorite titles, immerse yourself in their pages, and embark on a transformative summer reading adventure. Happy reading!

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